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Traveling with other public transport companies

Traveling with Vestfold Kollektivtrafikk AS

All Brakar’s tickets are valid on Vestfold Kollektivtrafikk (VKT) services within Buskerud. Passengers with season tickets should present their card along with the validation receipt. School cards are valid with their own sticker.

VKT’s single ticket and 24-hour ticket are valid on Brakar’s routes within the valid zone. This applies to both mobile tickets and paper tickets. For travels outside the valid zone, the ticket must be extended.

Travel with Innlandstrafikk

All Brakar’s tickets are valid on route 113 Jevnaker – Hønefoss.

Innlandstrafikk’s season ticket, youth ticket, school card, and single ticket are valid on route 221 Hønefoss – Jevnaker within the valid zone.

Customers should present their travel card/youth card along with the validation receipt. For travels outside the valid zones, the ticket must be extended.

Travelling with Ruter

Brakar’s tickets are valid on bus routes operated by Ruter in Røyken and Hurum. However, it is not possible to purchase an additional ticket for further travel in zones within the former Akershus/Oslo area. 

Travelers with Ruter tickets can purchase additional tickets for other zones in Buskerud. 

Brakar tickets on travel cards are not valid on routes 251 and 261, but it is possible to pay with a Brakar travel card on buses where you can purchase a ticket from the driver.

Free Transfer in Arrival Zone

From November 1, 2023, you can travel onwards for free with Ruter within the arrival zone/boarding zone when you have a valid Brakar season ticket or single ticket on routes 71, 169, or 200. Free transfer to/from Ruter applies only to the first or last zone on your ticket.

For example, if you have a ticket between Lierbyen and Oslo, you can transfer for free in zone 1 when you arrive in Oslo, but you do not have free transfer if you get off in Sandvika and want to continue with Ruter from there. The transfer is only valid from the place stated on your ticket. If you wish to travel to another zone, you must purchase a new ticket in the next zone.

For tickets on a travel card, you must be able to present the validation receipt or card report. You can obtain it by asking the driver when you scan your card upon boarding.

Due to different business rules in Brakar and Ruter, you cannot use the Brakar Youth Ticket for transfers. The youth ticket on route 200 however, is valid for transfers to Ruter.

Free transfers do not apply to/from trains.