School Transport
On this page we have gathered useful information about school transport to both primary school and upper secondary school (high school).
School transport is the daily transport between the student’s home and the school following the school’s ordinary time schedule. Brakar is the governing body of school transport in Buskerud.
At the bottom of this page you can find Frequently Asked Questions about school transport.
Contact us
Phone: 32 82 66 66
(Mon-Fri, 10-14)
Email: skoleskyss@brakar.no
Student Portal
For students applying for school transport to and from high school. Log in.
For school administrations. Log in here.
School Transport Primary School
School Transport Upper Secondary School
School Cards
Rules and Regulations
Possibility of Appeal
Find out which bus goes to your school:
Drammen, Nedre Eiker and Svelvik
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Akademiet Drammen | Smithestrøm, or Tårnveien | 25, 35, 56 (route 21, 22, 24 and 37 to Tårnveien) |
Akademiet Realfagsskole Drammen | Ørengata | 3, 5, 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 |
Akademiet Ypsilon | Ørengata | 3, 5, 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 |
Aronsløkka skole | Aronsløkka skole | 3 |
Bragernes skole | Nøsteveien 28 | 71 |
Brandengen skole | Brandengen skole | 35, 96 |
Børresen skole | Fylkeshuset, or Wildhagens vei | 3, 5, 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 (route 61 to W.hagens v.) |
Danvik skole | 2. Strøm terrasse 23 | 15 |
Drammen videregående skole | Museumsparken, Drammen bus station, Skistadbygget | 3, 4, 5, 15, 21, 22, 24, 25, 35, 37, 56, 91, 96 |
Drammen voksenopplæring | Fjellheim skole | 71, 72, 139 |
Eknes ungdomsskole | Eknes skole | 51, 54, 56, 57, 139 |
Fjell skole | Fjell bo- og servicesenter | 3, 37 |
Frydenhaug skole | Roseveien or Colletts gate | 3 |
Galterud skole | Skogerveien | 3, 37 |
Gulskogen skole | Gulskogen skole | 25, 35 |
Hallermoen skole | Bekkedalen | 22, 24, 37 |
Heltberg Ypsilon | Ørengata | 3, 5, 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 |
Killingrud ungdomsskole | Solberg skole | 51, 55, 56, 139 |
Kjøsterud skole | Kjøsterud skole | 3 |
Konnerud skole | Konnerud skole | 24 |
Krokstad skole | Krokstad skole | 51, 54, 56, 57, 100, 139 |
Marienlyst skole | Marienlyst skole, or Marienlyst | 37 (route 3 to Marienlyst) |
Mjøndalen skole | Mjøndalen skole | 53, 56 |
Norlights Montessoriskole Drammen | Smithestrøm, or Tårnveien | 25, 35, 56 (route 21, 22, 24 og 37 to Tårnveien) |
Rosendal skole | Skogen Mjøndalen | 52, 56, 101, 139 |
Rødskog skole | Rødskoggata | 52 |
Sagstedbrua skole | Krokstad skole | 51, 54, 56, 57, 100, 139 |
Skoger skole | Fagerheim | 35, 96 |
Solberg skole | Solberg skole | 51, 55, 56, 139 |
Steinberg skole | Steinberg skole | 52, 56, 101, 139 |
Stenseth skole | Neptunveien | 54, 55, 56, 57 |
Svelvik ungdomsskole | Svelvik ungdomsskole | 91, 92, 98 |
Svensedammen skole | Konnerudsenteret | 22, 24, 37 |
Tangen skole | Tangen fjordpark | 91,98 |
Tømmerås skole | Svelvik ungdomsskole | 91, 92, 98 |
Veiavangen ungdomsskole | Veiatun | 56, 115, 139 |
Vestbygda skole | Svingen | 22, 35, 37 |
Øren skole | Ørengata | 3, 5, 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 |
Åsen skole | Wilson | 53, 56 |
Åskollen skole | Hyttemesterveien | 4, 35, 37 |
Åssiden skole | Vårveien | 3, 5, 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 |
Åssiden videregående skole | Åssiden vgs | 51, 55, 56, 100, 101, 139 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Akademiet Ungdomsskole Lier | Linnesvollen | 61, 79 |
Egge skole | Egge skole | 63, 66 |
Gullaug skole | Gullaug skole | 79 |
Hallingstad skole | Tranby skole | 62, 71, 72, 169 |
Hegg skole | Hegg skole | 61, 62, 66, 71, 72, 79 |
Heia skole | Lierskogen sentrum | 72, 73, 79 |
Hennummarka skole | Martinshaugen | 71, 72 |
Høvik skole | St. Hallvard vgs | 37, 66, 72, 79, 139 |
Lier videregående skole | Lier vgs | 37, 66, 72, 79, 139 |
Lierbyen skole | Lierbyen skole | 61, 66, 79 |
Nordal skole | Nordal skole | 62, 66 |
Oddevall skole | Oddevall skole | 63, 66 |
St. Hallvard videregående skole | St. Hallvard vgs | 37, 66, 72, 79, 139 |
Sylling skole | Sylling skole | 62, 63, 64, 65, 66 |
Tranby skole | Tranby skole | 62, 71, 72, 169 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
Øvre Eiker og Modum
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Buskerud skole | Buskerud skole | 103, 106, 123 |
Buskerud videregående skole, avd. Buskerud | Buskerud landbruksskole | 103, 123 |
Buskerud videregående skole, avd. Rosthaug | Åmot skysstasjon | 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 121, 137, 139 |
Darbu skole | Darbu skole | 115, 120, 133 |
Eiker videregående skole | Eiker vgs | 56, 115, 122, 139 |
Enger skole | Åmot skysstasjon | 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 113, 121, 123, 137, 139 |
Hokksund barneskole | Hokksund skole | 101, 122, 125, 133, 135, 137, 139 |
Hokksund ungdomsskole | Øvre Eiker Rådhus | 56, 101, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 125, 133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 |
Nordre Modum ungdomsskole | Vikersund bussterminal | 100, 101, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114 |
Ormåsen skole | Ormåsen | 117, 132 |
Røren skole | Røren skole | 138 |
Skotselva skole | Skotselv skole | 103, 116, 136, 137, 138 |
Stalsberg skole | Stalsberg skole | 100, 101, 104, 106, 113 |
Sysle skole | Sysle skole | 109, 110, 111 |
Søndre Modum ungdomsskole | Åmot skysstasjon | 100, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 121, 137, 139 |
Vestfossen barneskole | Vestfossen ungdomsskole | 115, 118, 119, 120, 122, 132, 133 |
Vestfossen ungdomsskole | Vestfossen ungdomsskole | 115, 118, 119, 120, 122, 132, 133 |
Vikersund skole | Hatlekrysset or Vikersund bussterminal | 100, 101, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
Ringerike og Hole
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Benterud skole | Eikliveien | 101, 211, 212, 214, 221, 254 |
Discovery International School | Åsbygda skole | 221 |
Hallingby skole | Hallingby skole | 231, 232, 233 |
Haugsbygd ungdomsskole | Haugsbygd skole | 212, 221, 224, 225 |
Helgerud skole | Helgerud skole | 222 |
Hole ungdomsskole | Hole ungdomsskole | 210, 211, 213 |
Hov ungdomsskole | Ringerikshallen | 231 |
Hønefoss videregående skole | Eikli | 200, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 224, 225, 228, 241 |
Læringssenteret for voksne, Hønefoss | Schjongslunden | 223 |
Nes skole | Nes skole | 239 |
Ringerike Montessori | Ringerike Montessori | 100, 101, 108, 251, 255 |
Ringerike Steinerskole | Åsbygda stadion | 221 |
Ringerike videregående skole | Hønefoss sentrum | 100, 101, 108, 200, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228, 231, 232, 233, 241, 242, 243, 254, 255 |
Røyse skole | Røyse skole | 211, 213 |
Sokna skole | Sokna skole | 241, 244, 252 |
Steinsfjorden Montessoriskole | Vegård | 212 |
Sundvollen Oppvekstsenter | Sundvollen Oppvekstsenter | 210, 212, 213 |
Tyrifjord barne- og ungdomsskole | Ruud | 211, 213, 215 |
Tyrifjord vgs | Tyrifjord vgs | 211, 213, 215 |
Tyristrand skole | Tyristrand or Tyristrand skole | 100, 101, 108, 251, 254 |
Ullerål skole | Ullerål skole | 231 |
Vang skole | Haug kirke | 212, 221, 224, 225 |
Veien skole | Veien skole | 222, 233, 241, 242, 243, 255 |
Veienmarka ungdomsskole | Veienmarka ungdomsskole | 243 |
Veienmarka ungdomsskole – Ringerikshallen | Ringerikshallen | 231 |
Vik skole | Vik skole | 210, 211, 213 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Berg skole | Berg skole | 410, 430, 436 |
Efteløt skole | Efteløt skole | 430, 436 |
Gamlegrendåsen skole | Gamlegrendåsen skole | 406, 434 |
Hvittingfoss skole | Hvittingfoss skole | 430, 436 |
Jondalen skole | Jondalen skole | 415 |
Kongsberg International School | Kongsberg internasjonale skole | 421, 422, 431 |
Kongsberg norsksenter | Bussedalen | 115, 403, 409 |
Kongsberg Steinerskole | Nyhus | 412 |
Kongsberg videregående skole, avd. Tinius Olsen/Flåtaløkka | Tråkka | 401, 403, 409, 410, 412, 415, 420, 421, 422, 430, 431, 436 |
Kongsberg vgs – avd. Kongsgårdmoen | Sportsveien | 115, 409, 410, 430, 436 |
Kongsberg vgs – avd. Maren Handler | Kongsberg knutepunkt | 115, 401, 403, 406, 409, 410, 412, 415, 420, 421, 422, 430, 431, 434, 436 |
Kongsberg vgs – avd. Maurits Hansen | Kongsberg knutepunkt | 115, 401, 403, 406, 409, 410, 412, 415, 420, 421, 422, 430, 431, 434, 436 |
Kongsberg vgs – avd. Saggrenda | Sølvverket snuplass | 409, 410 |
Kongsberg vgs – avd. Åslandsgate | Kongsberg knutepunkt | 115, 401, 403, 406, 409, 410, 412, 415, 420, 421, 422, 430, 431, 434, 436 |
Kongsgårdmoen skole | Kongsgårdmoen skole | 115, 403, 409, 410, 412, 430, 436 |
Madsebakken skole | Madsebakken skole | 406 |
Raumyr skole | Raumyr skole | 421, 431 |
Skavanger skole | Kongsberghallen or Idrettsveien | 401, 415, 420, 422 |
Skrim ungdomsskole | Kongsgårdmoen skole | 115, 403, 409, 410, 412, 430, 436 |
Tislegård ungdomsskole | Tislegård ungdomsskole | 434 |
Vestsiden ungdomsskole | Friedland Vestsiden skole | 401, 415, 420, 422 |
Wennersborg skole | Wennersborg skole | 115, 403, 410, 412, 430, 436 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
Sigdal, Flesberg, Krødsherad, Rollag, Nore og Uvdal
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Eggedal skole | Eggedal skole | 105, 112 |
Flesberg skole | Flesberg skole | 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424 |
Krøderen skole | Krøderen skole | 110, 140 |
Nerstad skole | Nerstad | 105 |
Numedal videregående skole | Norefjord | 420, 435 |
Prestfoss skole | Prestfoss skole | 105, 107 |
Rødberg skole | Rødberg skole | 425, 435 |
Sigdal Ungdomsskole | Sigdal Ungdomsskole | 105 |
Uvdal skole | Uvdal skole | 420, 425, 429, 435 |
Veggli skole | Veggli skole | 426, 427, 428 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
School | Nearest bus stop | Routes |
Flå skole | Flå sentrum | 304, 305, 307, 332 |
Geilo barne – og ungdomsskole | Geilo skole or Geilo samfunnshus | 333, 334 eller 330, 332 |
Gol skule | Gol skysstasjon | 301, 320, 321, 330, 332, 360, 361 |
Gol videregående skole | Gol skysstasjon | 301, 320, 321, 330, 332, 360, 361 |
Hallingskarvet skole | Hallingskarvet skule | 331 |
Hemsedal skole | Trøimhallen | 360, 362, 363 |
Nedre-Ål skule | Ål iidrettshal | 330, 332, 336, 338, 339, 343 |
Nesbyen barneskole | Nes barneskole | 301, 303, 306, 310 |
Nesbyen ungdomsskole | Nes barneskole | 301, 303, 306, 310 |
Nordbygdene skule | Nordbygdene skule | 336, 343 |
Skattebøl skule | Langeland | 330, 332 |
Torpo skule | Lienkrysset | 330, 332, 337 |
Ål ungdomsskule | Ål iidrettshal | 330, 332, 336, 338, 339, 343 |
Ål vidaregåande skole | Ål iidrettshal | 330, 332, 336, 338, 339, 343 |
Check departure times in the journey planner on the home page, in the app Brakar or Entur, or our timetables.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is entitled to free school transport?
There are different rules depending on whether you are a student in primary school or in secondary education.
Those entitled to transport in primary school are:
- Pupils in grade 1 who live more than 2 kilometers from the school
- Pupils in grades 2–10 who live more than 4 kilometers from the school
- Pupils who have a particularly dangerous or difficult route to school
- Pupils with special needs documented with a doctor’s certificate/expert opinion
Those entitled to transport in upper secondary education are:
- Students who live more than 6 kilometers from their school and reside outside the dispensation area.
- Students with special needs documented with a doctor’s certificate/expert opinion
Note that the distance is measured as the shortest walkable route between home and school, not the driving route or the bus route. If the student or parents disagree with the measurement, they can appeal. If there are errors in this measurement, please contact skoleskyss@brakar.no.
How to apply for school transport?
In primary school, the schools apply on behalf of the pupils. In upper secondary school (high school), the students themselves apply through the Student Portal. Students applying for transport due to medical reasons should apply through the school.
Decisions on school transport are individual decisions according to the Norwegian Public Administration Act. The decision on school transport is valid for one school year at a time. You must reapply before each school year, and a new decision will be made.
Why do I have to submit a new medical certificate every school year?
Conditions and abilities can change over time. An updated medical certificate must be submitted with all new applications for school transport to have sufficient information to make an individual decision.
If a student has shared residence, are they entitled to school transport from both addresses?
Children whose parents do not live together are entitled to transport between home and school to/from both parents’ home addresses when the parents have shared daily care. It is assumed that the child meets the transport requirement for the address to which transport is applied. There should be predictability in where the child lives so that it is possible to plan the transport, for example, every other week or two weeks at a time with each of the parents. Furthermore, it must be possible to organize a rational transport in terms of travel time and economy. If this is not possible, the student will be denied school transport.
Why do I not get school transport to high school even though I live more than 6 kilometers from the school?
The Viken County Municipality has been granted an exemption from the main rule of free school transport for high school students living in Drammen, Lier, Øvre Eiker, Modum, Hole, Ringerike, and Kongsberg. Students living in these areas must purchase a youth card themselves.
I am resident in Buskerud and attend high school in Akershus/Oslo. How do I apply for school transport?
You apply for transport through the Student Portal. Please contact skoleskyss@brakar.no if you cannot find your school in the Student Portal.
Which other ticket should I choose if I am not entitled to school transport?
You can purchase a youth card, which is valid on all Brakar’s routes (except route 200 outside Buskerud) until the year you turn 20. Children from the age of 6 can purchase the youth card, and it will be cheaper than buying a 30-day season ticket for children. Read more about the youth card.
How do you get a school card, and what do you do if you forget/lose it?
Students entitled to free school transport receive an electronic school card. They receive this at the school they attend.
The card can be used for 2 journeys per school day with any transfers according to regular transfer rules. One journey to school and one journey to the residence. If the student chooses to go home with a friend after school within the zone, it is okay to use the card, but it depends on capacity. The card can be used between 06:00 and 17:00 (departure time of the bus). The card is not valid for travel on weekends and school holidays.
The card is personal and cannot be lent to others.
Forgotten school card:
Pupils who have forgotten their school card should be allowed to travel by bus to school on the first day. For the return journey from school, the student must show a temporary travel permit issued by the school.
Lost/damaged school card:
If you have lost or damaged the school card, you will need to notify the school immediately so that a new card can be issued. The school will issue a temporary travel permit. You should normally receive a new card within two weeks. Pupils who have lost or damaged their school card should be allowed to travel by bus to school on the first day. For the return journey from school, the pupil must show a temporary travel permit.
For students in high school:
The school card is free of charge when issued for the first time. When ordering a new school card for students in high school, a fee of 250 NOK per card is imposed. The fee must be paid before the new card is issued. For more information, please contact the administration at your school.
What happens if the student becomes sick during the school day?
Students who use the bus to get to school and need to go home during the school day can use their school card on another bus departure. For students who travel by taxi, alternative transportation must be arranged by the parents/guardians. The timing of the taxi transport cannot be changed, it can only be cancelled. Please inform the taxi that the return transport is cancelled if the parents/guardians pick up the student during the day.
School Transport by Taxi
Can students get a taxi by themselves when the school transport is provided by taxi?
Due to capacity and environmental considerations, carpooling is standard for school transport by taxi. If there is a risk that the student may harm other passengers or the driver, or if there are other significant medical reasons why the student cannot share a taxi with other students, a medical certificate stating the reason must be provided. In such cases, it will be considered providing a companion or making other adjustments. Providing a taxi alone is an exception in very special cases.
Why does the taxi leave before the student is ready in the morning?
School transport by taxi is based on a fixed schedule. The student must be ready at the agreed time and location. The taxi usually does not pick up the student directly from home. The student will be picked up or dropped off at the nearest designated stop or meeting place. If a student has a special need for door-to-door transport for medical reasons, documentation of this must be included with the application for school transport.
How do you cancel the taxi?
Cancellation of school transport by taxi should be made directly to the taxi dispatch center.
Can the taxi pick up at a different time than usual, or take the student to a different address after school?
School transport is only provided to fit regular school start and end times. Parents/guardians must arrange transportation for extracurricular activities, library visits, medical appointments, and similar activities. The student, parents/guardians, or the school cannot change the scheduled transport time; they can only cancel it.
School transport is only provided between the student’s home and the school, and therefore, the student will not have school transport by taxi covered to other addresses.