Brakar Fleks
Brakar Fleks is an on-demand service which is part of the regular public transportation network. You book the trip, and we drive – at regular ticket price. Brakar operates a Fleks service in the following locations: Kongsberg, Gol, Hønefoss og Utstranda.
Brakar Fleks Kongsberg
In Kongsberg, you can book Brakar Fleks (previously known as HentMeg) from bus stop to bus stop. You can travel to/from all bus stops within the green border marked on the map.
When can you book a trip?
Monday-Thursday: 06:30-22:00*.
Friday: 06:30-24:00*
Saturday: 08:00-24:00
*Note that Monday-Friday the journey must either start or finish in the inner zone (indre sone) – see map. Saturday the entire Fleks zone can be used.
Brakar Fleks schedule during Christmas:
December 23rd: 06:30-22:00*
December 24th: 09:00-16:00
December 25th: No service
December 26th: No service
December 27th: 06:30-19:00*
December 28th: 09:00-16:00
December 29th: No service
December 30th: 06:30-19:00*
December 31st: 09:00-16:00
January 1st: No service
* The journey must either start or finish in the inner zone.
Book Brakar Fleks
You can also book using the app Brakar Fleks, or by phone by calling 177.
Enter the bus stop you want to travel from/to and select departure or arrival time. You will then see when the next available trip for your desired journey is.
You can book up to 10 days in advance. You can also set up recurring bookings and save your favorites.
If you need help getting started, call our customer service centre on 177.
Інформація про Brakar Fleks українською мовою
У Kongsberg у нас є служба бронювання автобусів під назвою Brakar Fleks, де ви можете замовити автобус від зупинки до зупиaнки. Ви можете подорожувати до та з усіх зупинок у зеленій рамці карти.
Коли ми їдемо?
Понеділок-четвер: 06:30-22:00*
П’ятниця: 06:30-24:00*
Субота: 08:00-24:00
*З понеділка по п’ятницю ваша подорож має або починатися, або закінчуватися у «внутрішній зоні». У суботу можна вільно пересуватися по всій зоні.
Для нас важливо знати, скільки людей буде в кожній поїздці, тому при бронюванні обов’язково вказуйте правильну кількість людей, які подорожують разом.
Забронюйте поїздку в додатку Brakar Fleks, brakar.no/fleks/ або зателефонуйте нам за телефоном 177.
Завантажте додаток Brakar Fleks з Google Play або App Store.
Brakar Fleks Gol
In Gol Brakar Fleks is available on these routes (both directions) Tuesday and Friday:
- Svenkerud – Liagardane – Hagaskogen – Sentrumsvegen – Helsetunet – Gol Skysstasjon
- Rotneim – Bergasida – Robru – Øygardane – Tuppeskogen – Gol skysstasjon
Departure from Svenkerud/Rotneim: 09:30
Return from Gol Skysstasjon: 14:00
Book by Phone
Call 32 07 42 13 to book your trip.
Booking Deadline
Bookings need to be made the evening before departure, or at the latest by 08:00 the same morning.
Brakar Fleks Hønefoss
Your trip will be carried out by taxi or minibus between Hønefos, Rabba and Hov senter.
The service is available on Tuesdays and Fridays, but must be booked in advance.
Book by Phone
Book your trip by phone: 32 12 19 00.
Booking Deadline
Bookings must be made at least 30 minutes before departure.
What can you Bring on Board?
If you are bringing something that requires extra space, such as a stroller, walker or similar, please notify us of this when you book your trip.
Brakar Fleks Utstranda
Brakar Fleks Utstranda can be used on this route (both directions):
- Sundvollen – Utstranda – Sollihøgda
Book by Phone
Call 32 13 32 13 to make a booking.
Booking Deadline
Bookings must be made at least 30 minutes before the departure time.
Frequently Asked Questions About Brakar Fleks Kongsberg
Is Brakar Fleks the same as HentMeg?
Yes, it is the same on-demand service, we just renamed it Brakar Fleks in June of 2023.
How do I book a trip?
- Book here or call 177.
- Enter the bus stop you want to travel from/to and choose departure or arrival time. You will then be shown the next available trip for your desired journey. The earlier you book, the better the chances of being picked up when you want. Note that you can book up to 10 days in advance.
- You will receive an SMS confirmation with the pickup time shortly after booking.
- If there are others traveling in the same direction as you, we will pick them up along the way.
- Remember to cancel if you are not going to use the trip.
If you need to travel to and from the same bus stop at fixed times every week, you can set up a serial booking. You will need to call us to make this type of booking. You will receive an SMS reminder before each pre-booked trip, and you can easily cancel if you’re not going to travel.
Can I bring a stroller or a wheel chair on board?
Yes, you can. You can enter this on the booking page. Click on “Tilgjengelighet” (Accessibility) when selecting who is traveling.
Is it possible to book 9/14 with Brakar Fleks?
Yes, but you need to call us at 177 to make the booking. The group cannot exceed 18 people, including adults.
Bus stop information
Please note that Kongsberg knutepunkt is not part of the Inner zone. However, the bus stop “Baneveien ved Kongsberg knutepunkt”, which is located on the other side of the underpass at the station, is in the Inner zone.
Brakar Fleks is for everyone
Everyone can use Brakar Fleks. There are no age limits or restrictions. Please inform us when booking the trip if you need extra assistance or if you’re bringing a stroller, wheelchair, or other equipment.
Prices and payment
Our regular prices and pricing regulations apply.
Brakar Fleks Kongsberg is operated by regular buses. On these, you can pay with cash to the driver, through the Brakar Billett app, or use a travel card. Season tickets are also accepted.
Brakar Fleks Gol, Utstranda, and Hønefoss are operated by taxis. You can pay with cash or a regular bank card. Our travel cards with 30-day and 7-day tickets, as well as Youth Cards, are valid tickets and can be used by presenting the card and receipt. The receipt from the taxi can be used as a transfer ticket on regular buses within one hour, and vice versa. Unfortunately, it’s not possible to pay with pay-as-you-go travel cards. This is because the taxis do not have ticket machines.
If you need assistance or have questions, please contact our customer service centre.