Travel guarantee
Our travel guarantee commits us to do our best to make sure you arrive on time. However, if there are delays or other failures in the public transport service, we will reimburse you for expenses for alternative transport if you stay more than:
- 20 minutes delayed on journeys under 1 hour with up to NOK 550.
- 40 minutes delayed on journeys between 1 and 3 hours with up to NOK 825.
- 60 minutes delayed on journeys over 3 hours with up to NOK 1100.
If you have purchased a ticket and are unable to use it because the departure was cancelled, or there was no room for you on board, we will refund your expenses for a single ticket. We do not provide a similar refund for season tickets.
To apply for a refund, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. The form (with receipt if applicable) must be submitted within 30 days of the incident occurring.
Note that the refund applies up to given amount – this means that you will not receive more than your actual expenses.
The travel guarantee applies to single journeys and when you have a transfer on your journey. You must calculate sufficient transfer time and possibly extra walking time where there is no fixed correspondence.
The travel guarantee does not apply to ferries, but if something special happens, we will try to help. Please contact our customer center.
When does the travel guarantee not apply?
If we have informed you in advance of a delay that you know or should know about, the warranty does not apply.
It does not cover “consequential damages”, such as dental expenses, business appointments, flights or similar.
The travel guarantee does not apply in the event of incidents such as strikes or similar, natural disasters, extraordinary weather conditions (heavy snowfall, flooding, landslides, etc.), roadworks and unforeseen traffic conditions, or major events that significantly affect public transport.
Use of own car
For reimbursement of mileage allowance, only the driver can submit a claim if several people travel together. The warranty does not cover expenses for tolls, parking and the like.
From February 1, 2016, this travel guarantee applies to all Brakar routes. The guarantee is in accordance with the national travel guarantee.
Overview of the significance of the Bus Passenger Rights Regulation for public transport in Norway