Brakar and the Transparency Act
Brakar as a Buyer
Brakar plans, co-ordinates, orders and markets the public transport services in Buskerud. We don’t own any buses ourselves, as all transport is carried out by operating companies that run on contract following a competitive tender. It is the operators who purchase the material necessary to fullfil the contracts. This applies to all purchases, such as buses, tires and uniforms. The bus drivers are also employed by the operator.
Requirements in the Competition Phase
Brakar has included requirements in its competitions that suppliers are obliged to comply with Brakar’s Action Plan with provisions related to human rights and employee rights throughout the contract period. They are also committed to reporting on the fulfillment of the requirements upon request from Brakar.
Ethical Requirements for the Supplier in the Contract Phase
Brakar considers ethical and responsible behavior to be very important values in our business. The purpose of ethical requirements for suppliers is to ensure that everyone who supplies goods and services to Brakar has a correspondingly conscious and committed relationship with these values.
Brakar’s requirements for suppliers regarding decent working conditions and respect for human rights are part of the contract Brakar has with its suppliers. The requirements are formulated in the documents Action rules for Brakar’s suppliers. In addition suppliers are required to carry out due diligence assessments as described in the Transparency Act.
Due Diligence Assessments in Brakar
Brakar has been working to map the risks associated with all its suppliers and business partners.
All companies covered by the Transparency Act are required to carry out due diligence in accordance with the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises. We have been working to gain an overview of internal conditions within our own business, as well as to map out supply chains and other business partners.
The mapping is well underway and has already provided a good overview of the general risk status in Brakar’s supply and business partner base. With the help of data tools, questionnaires have been sent out to everyone in Brakar’s supplier and business partner register. Additionally, a risk assessment of suppliers and business partners has been carried out based on the Labour Inspectorate’s list of industries with established minimum wages (defined as high-risk industries), the Directorate for Financial Management’s high-risk list of risky goods and products, and high-risk countries based on the Global Rights Index. New suppliers and business partners are also categorised according to these criteria, which will help to maintain ongoing risk control in our supplier and business partner base.
Questions About the Transparency Act
If you have questions about Brakar and the Transparency Act, contact us at kundesenter@brakar.no.